The local density of states at the Fermi level increases with the adsorption of hydrogen molecules. 氢分子吸附后,费米能级处的局域态密度增加。
Meanwhile, the density of state near Fermi level increases with the change from high valence to low valence. 同时,费密能级附近的态密度随着价态变低而逐渐增加。
Hole is an charged electronic entity in semiconductors and insulators which have energies less than the Fermi level and participate in the electric conduction. enrico fermi atomic power plant 空穴是半导体和绝缘体中的一种带电体,其能量小于费米能,并且参与导电。讹科费米原子能电站
The ground state Fermi level of the intrinsic semiconductor which can be used to determine the barrier height is different from the intrinsic Fermi level in semiconductor physics. 文中用于确定接触势垒高度的“本征半导体基态费米能级ESF,i”不同于半导体物理中所指的“本征费米能级Ei”。
The characteristics of this structure behaved in ohmic-junction characteristics, indicating that ( NH4) 2S passivation eliminated Fermi level pinning. 并经过对样品的电学特性和结构特性研究,分析了(NH4)2S溶液钝化效应的机理和欧姆接触的形成机理。
Average-Bond-Energy and Fermi Level on Metal-Semiconductor Contacts 金属-半导体超晶格中的金属费米能级和半导体平均键能
Also, the ratio of the transition probability excited by double photon to that excited by a single photon is calculated and the numerical solution is found within the range of Fermi level and work function of various common metals. 计算了双光子激发与单光子激发跃迁几率之比,并在一般金属Fermi能级和功函数范围内求得了数值解。
With approximation of single dangling bond, the positions of Fermi level and the electron densities have been calculated for two groups of amorphous semiconductors. 在荷电的悬挂键模型下,计算了各种情况下的费密能级和电子浓度。并对两类不同的非晶半导体作了详细的讨论。
In this article, the UPS spectra of high Tc superconductor near the Fermi level at 20K and 77.6K have been calculated. The dependence of spectrum parameters on the energy gap and instrument resolution has also been given. 本文计算了高温超导体在20K和液氮温度时费米面附近的光电子谱形,给出了能隙与谱参数及仪器分辨率之间的关系。
Moreover the effect of Shockley sarface state at Fermi level is also discussed. 此外对费米能级处的Shockley表面态的影响也作了讨论。
The even/ odd alternations is affected by the pairing of the electrons on the Fermi level. 费米能级上的电子配对影响着原子簇束缚能和费米能级的奇偶变化特性。
Fermi Level Calculation by Free Electronic Band Model 一种由自由电子能带模型计算费米能级的方法
Average-bond-energy and Fermi Level on Free Electronic Band 自由电子能带中的平均键能与费米能级
In this paper we suggest a model in which f electrons are bound in a narrow band near Fermi level, s-p-d electrons are regarded as free, and hybridization between them is considered. 本文提出了一个模型,其中f电子束缚在费密面附近的一个窄带内,s-p-d电子是自由的,还考虑了它们之间的杂化。
The reason for the decrease of density of state at Fermi level of the alloy is discussed. 从低温电子比热研究合金的Fermi面态密度,讨论了态密度降低的原因。
Combining with the calculations of bond order, this paper also gave the electronic structure of transition metal Ni, the changes and characteristics of DOS spectra, band width, Fermi level and band structure energy according to the variation in crystal constants. 与键序积分计算相配合,计算了金属Ni的电子结构,给出了随晶格常数变化态密度谱、带宽、费米能级及带结构能的变化规律和特征。
The highest occupied state ( HOS) of COT H is at 1.8 eV below the Fermi level. 从UPS谱图中可以看到,COT-H材料的最高占有态(HOS:highestoccu-piedstate)位于费米能级以下1.8eV处。
After doping, the ionic and covalent bonds become weaker, and the gap near Fermi level decreases. 掺杂使得离子键和共价键强度降低,在费米能级附近的能隙变小,从而提高材料电导率,降低材料热导率,优化了材料的热电性能。
We investigate the spatial dependent spectra of atomic superlattice and atomic string. The spectra at the center of atoms in the atomic superlattice fist reveal the existence of the occupied electron band of surface state below Fermi level. 我们研究了原子超晶格和原子链的不同位置的扫描隧道谱,其中原子中心处的扫描隧道谱从实验上观察到了费米能级以下占据表面态电子带的存在。
The half metallic ferromagnets due to spin up electrons and spin down electrons have different nature around the Fermi level, and have special applications. Then the development and types of half metallic ferromagnets are introduced briefly. 半金属铁磁体因为自旋向上电子和自旋向下的电子在费米能级处不同的性质,具有特殊的应用,在本章中简要介绍了半金属铁磁体的发展和具有半金属性材料的种类。
They can significantly modulate the electronic structures in the vicinity of the Fermi level and the spin polarization. 缺陷可以明显调制费米面附近的电子结构和自旋极化。
Spin polarization near the Fermi level may be excellent spin polarized electron emission sources. 费米能级附近的半金属很可能是很好的自旋极化场发射源。
Fermi level is a very important physical parameter in material science. 费米能级EF在半导体材料科学中是一个非常重要的物理参数。
In order to reveal the mechanism involved, XPS was employed to investigate the changes in the position of surface Fermi level and surface state density. 为了研究其改善机理,利用XPS对表面费米能级以及表面态密度的变化进行了分析。
In the third chapter of this paper, we calculate the change of the density of the states near the Fermi level caused by the magnetic field based on the Zeeman interaction. 本文第三章从塞曼相互作用出发,研究了磁场下系统费米面处态密度的变化和由此产生的磁电阻效应。
When one Sn atom is replaced by one Sb atom, the Fermi level moves into the conduction band and the compound displays metallic band structure. 当用一个Sb原子替代一个Sn原子之后,费米能级上移到导带中,表现出类金属的能带结构。
The effective barrier height increases with decreasing the degree of Fermi level pinning. 其有效势垒高度随着表面费米能级钉扎程度的降低而升高。
The conduction bands and valence bands near the Fermi level are nearly symmetric, which is induced by electron-hole symmetry. 由于电子-空穴对的对称性,使得费米能级附近的价带和导带几乎关于费米能级是对称的。
Ga-doped ZnO surface occurrence a significant change in the electronic density of states before and after the adsorption of of the CO, and the Fermi level into the conduction band. Ga掺杂的ZnO表面吸附CO前后的电子态密度发生了显著的变化,费米能级进入导带。
Near the Fermi level of Mn-3d band and O-2p band overlap strongly, so there are strong interactions between Mn and O which played a role in the stability of structure. 靠近费米能级的Mn-3d电子轨道和O-2p电子轨道重叠较强,故Mn与O相互作用强烈,起到了使结构稳定的作用。